龙世兵,图书馆VIP教授。从事微纳加工、阻变存储器、超宽禁带半导体器件(功率器件及探测器件)、存储器电路设计等领域的研究。国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,IEEE高级会员。在IEEE EDL、Adv. Mater.、Nat. Commun.等国际学术期刊上发表论文100余篇,SCI他引5500余次,H因子43,6篇论文入选ESI高引论文。申请专利100余项,其中9项转移给国内最大的集成电路制造企业中芯国际,74项授权/受理发明专利许可给武汉新芯。主持国家自然科学基金、科技部(863、973、重大专项、重点研发计划)、中科院、广东省等资助科研项目20多项。参与获得国家技术发明奖二等奖、国家自然科学二等奖、中国科学院杰出科技成就奖。
- 1995.9-2002.3 北京科技大学,学士,应用物理;硕士,材料物理
- 2002.4-2005.6 中国科学院微电子研究所,博士,微电子学与固体电子学
- 2005.7-2018.3 中国科学院微电子研究所,助理研究员、副研究、研究员
- 2018.3-至今 图书馆VIP微电子学院,教授,常务副院长、执行院长
- 2018年,中国科学院杰出科技成就奖,第3完成人
- 2016年,国家自然科学二等奖,第4完成人
- 2013年,国家技术发明二等奖,第6完成人
- 2017年,中国科学院创新交叉团队
- 2013年,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金
- Zhang, Y., Mao, GQ., Zhao, X. *, Long, S. *, et al. Evolution of the conductive filament system in HfO2-based memristors observed by direct atomic-scale imaging. Nat Commun 12, 7232 (2021).
- X. Hou, X. Zhao*, S. Long*, et al. High-performance harsh-environment-resistant GaOX solar-blind photodetectors via defect and doping engineering, Advanced Materials 2021, 2106923.[封面文章]
- P. Tan, X. Zhao*, S. Long* et al., Balancing the transmittance and carrier-collection ability of Ag nanowire networks for high-performance self-powered Ga2O3 Schottky photodiode, Advanced Optical Materials 2021, 9, 2100173.
- C. Chen, X. Zhao*, S. Long* et al., High-performance β-Ga2O3 solar-blind photodetector with extremely low working voltage, IEEE Electron Device Letters 2021, 42, 1492.
- Qiming He, Wenxiang Mu, Bo Fu, Zhitai Jia, Shibing Long*, Zhaoan Yu, Zhihong Yao, Wei Wang, Hang Dong, Yuan Qin, Guangzhong Jian, Ying Zhang, Huiwen Xue, Hangbing Lv, Qi Liu, Minghua Tang, Xutang Tao*, and Ming Liu*. Schottky Barrier Rectifier Based on (100) β-Ga2O3 and its DC and AC Characteristics. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2018, 39(4), 556-559.
- Yuanjie Lv, Xingye Zhou*, Shibing Long*, Xubo Song, Yuangang Wang, Shixiong Liang, Zezhao He, Tingting Han, Xin Tan, Zhihong Feng, Hang Dong, Xuanze Zhou, Yangtong Yu, Shujun Cai, Member, IEEE, Ming Liu. Source-Field-Plated β-Ga2O3 MOSFET with Record Power Figure of Merit of 50.4 MW/cm2. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2018, 39. DOI: 10.1109/LED.2018.2881274
- Qiming He, Wenxiang Mu, Hang Dong, Shibing Long*, Zhitai Jia, Hangbing Lv, Qiu Liu, Minghua Tang, Xutang Tao* and Ming Liu. Schottky barrier diode based on β-Ga2O3 (100) single crystal substrate and its temperature-dependent electrical characteristics. Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110, 093503.
- Yu Li, Shibing Long*, Qi Liu, Hangbing Lv, and Ming Liu*. Resistive switching performance improvement via modulating nanoscale conductive filament, involving the application of two-dimensional layered materials. Small, 2017, 13(35), 1604306.
- Shibing Long, Xiaojuan Lian, Tianchun Ye, Carlo Cagli, Luca Perniola, Enrique Miranda, Ming Liu, and Jordi Suñé. Cycle-to-cycle intrinsic RESET statistics in HfO2-based unipolar RRAM devices. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2013, 34(5), 623-625.
- Shibing Long, Xiaojuan Lian, Carlo Cagli, Luca Perniola, Enrique Miranda, Ming Liu, and Jordi Suñé. A model for the set statistics of RRAM inspired in the percolation model of oxide breakdown. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2013, 34(8), 999-1001.